Thank you Pete! A lot of good information there. The reason I am certain that the Buick Roadmaster Estate had a “performance suspension” from the factory, it because the Editor of GMHigh Performance magazine once published an editorial about them. He had contacts inside GM told him that they looked at the wagon in particular, not just the basic Roadmaster, and the engineers looked at it, decided that it was so wide, and relatively low, that it handled quite well. They knew they could improve on that. They developed a suspension that handled quite a bit better than the factory cushy ride. They designed it and built a test model. Presented it to the bean counters that make decisions. At that time, they didn’t want to push a higher performance Buick wagon. They went back to the drawing board, and decided to throw a trailer hitch on it, and then pitch a “trailer package, to get their suspension components approved. Bean counters as we know, are stupid. They fell for it. Into production it went. The addition of a trailer hitch and wiring got the higher performance suspension package approved.
Coincidentally, I have wanted an Impala since high school. They came out at that time. There was a lot of confusion and rumors like they had big blocks, or the “Corvette motor,” etc. The later is partially true, but they always fail to mention that it’s de-tuned. I know the heads are different, and I’m sure the exhaust is part of the reason as well. I’m unsure of the differences between internal components though.
That being said. An Impala is what I truly want! There’s just something cool about the wagons. It really all depends on what I can get for the right price.